Christmas message from Bob

Once again Christmas has arrived and we’re all on tenterhooks, aren’t we? Well, at least I am. Wherever you come from or wherever you are, you can get into the Christmas spirit.

I’m going to eat and drink as much as possible. People need to work. If I eat a lot, lots of waiters will work, won’t they? If I drink a lot, lots of barmen will also work. If I travel a lot, pilots, bus drivers and taxi drivers will be busy. So, pull your fingers out and start enjoying yourselves.

Don’t be a Scrooge this Christmas. There’s no place for austerity at Yuletide. So come on, enjoy yourselves this Christmas! Well, I hope you all have a wonderful and positive Christmas, and I wish you all the best for 2013

When does the course begin?

Get on our train

In reply to those who ask, “When does the course begin?”

This place is like a train. You can get on it and off it when you like. The carriages are segregated according to your level of English but you can get into any carriage you like within reason. All you have to do is improve your English. Bob’s the driver and Nina’s the brakeman.

About English Books

booksAfter teaching English for so many years, one of the oddest things that I’ve noticed is how text books are written. Has anyone else noticed that the way English is taught today has really changed little over the last hundred years? Of course, aural teaching has seen vinyl records, tape-recorders, radio cassettes, compact discs and so on. However the methods themselves have hardly changed.

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