Verb “to be” to introduce nouns

Tom’s an architect

If Tom were an architect, he’d be rich

Tom was an architect before he entered politics

If Tom had been an architect, he wouldn’t have made films

Tom’s been an architect for years

Tom had been an architect before he became a writer

Tom will be an architect when he gets his degree

Tom would be the best architect in the world

Tom will have been an architect for a year by next month

Tom would have been an architect if he hadn’t gone mad

Tom would rather be an actor than an architect

Tom would rather have been an architect than the King

Tom’s going to be an architect one day

Tom was going to be an architect but he gave it up

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So, let’s continue from the last posting! We were talking about that lazy verb…

Repeating the end of the last blog:

The present verb is the same as the infinitive in the present positive with “s” added in the 3rd person. The auxiliary “do” is the same as the infinitive in the present negative with “s” added in the 3rd person and the contracted “not” added on. The verb is the bare infinitive (without “to”). The auxiliary “do” takes “did” in the past negative for all persons with contracted “not” added and the bare infinitive added on.

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